Here we have Leech, a member of the Evil Horde. Their babies are kept on the body until they’re ready to hatch at which point the parent brings the young to a host from which they take their first meal. Masters of the Universe was a successful line of action figures, released in the 80s that spawned a television series, film and more, earning its place in pop culture legend. After filling up on a meal, a giant Amazon leech can go half a year without eating again! These invertebrates can have hundreds of babies in a brood. Their saliva is an anticoagulant that helps keep the blood flowing. They spawn individually and are not particularly aggressive, but are not benign and will attack other creatures (including dwarves) who provoke. While their original counterparts are just vermin, these creatures are over 3 times larger than a dwarf. Giant leeches were a hermaphroditic species, though they could not fertilize their own eggs. This can reach nearly three inches (7.6cm) long! As in butterflies, the giant leech’s proboscis acts like a straw to suck up fluids. Giant leeches are super-sized versions of the common leech who inhabit savage pools and lakes. Instead of jaws, they have a long proboscis that sticks into an animal like a needle. They can reach almost eighteen inches (45cm) long! For reference, Chester’s body is eighteen inches long! Giant Amazon leeches eat blood. A species of giant red leech, currently known as Mimobdella buettikoferi, was identified in the area in the late 19th century, although it is now thought to possibly have been placed in the. At about 5 grams in weight they develop male characteristics and at 8 grams they also show female characteristics! These may be the largest living aquatic leeches. If the name didn’t tip you off, this is where these giants live! The giant Amazon leech is an aquatic species. These leeches were believed to be extinct until a pair was found in the northern Amazon River Basin. We’ll be discussing three such species in today’s episode! To start, we have the giant Amazon leech. These critters are very slow and will attack on sight. Their faces twisted with a terrible disgust, as though. To their surprise, the only wildlife encountered was birds and giant leeches. Amongst the Kinabalu earthworms natural predators is another large annelid, the Kinabalu giant red leech.

Of the nearly 700 leech species alive today, a number of them deserve the name “giant”. Giant leeches or radioactive leeches measure about two feet long. The giant leech slid back into the water with a final grin, as if to say that dinner looked delicious. Today on Animal Fact Files we’re discussing giant leeches.